Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 8

Integrating Redux Toolkit with React

In this final installment of our series, we focus on setting up a project that integrates Redux Toolkit with React. This setup is a precursor to understanding how Redux Toolkit and React work together, enhancing state management in React applications.

Step 1: Creating a New React Project

  1. Using Vite for Project Creation: While create-react-app is a popular choice, in this example, we'll use Vite. Vite offers a fast development environment. To create a new project, run:

     npm create vite@latest react-redux-toolkit-demo --template react

    Choose 'React' when prompted for the template.

  2. Installing Dependencies: Navigate to the project folder and install the necessary dependencies:

     npm install

Step 2: Setting Up Redux Toolkit in React

  1. Migrating Redux Toolkit Files: Bring all files from your existing Redux Toolkit demo (both app and features folders) into the src directory of your new React project.

  2. Installing Additional Libraries: Since these files reference Redux Toolkit and Axios libraries, install them in your React project:

     npm install axios @reduxjs/toolkit
  3. Updating Imports to ES Module Syntax: In each slice file, update imports and exports to ES module syntax. For example, in cakeSlice.js:

     import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
     // Update export statements
     export default cakeSlice.reducer;
     export const { ordered, restocked } = cakeSlice.actions;

    Follow similar steps for iceCreamSlice.js and userSlice.js.

Step 3: Adding Views for Each Feature

  1. Creating View Components: In each feature folder (cake, iceCream, user), create view components with .jsx extension. For example, cakeView.jsx:

     // cakeView.jsx
     import React from 'react';
     const CakeView = () => {
       return (
           <h2>Number of Cakes</h2>
           <button>Order Cake</button>
           <button>Restock Cakes</button>
     export default CakeView;

    Do the same for iceCreamView.jsx and userView.jsx.

  2. Updating App.jsx: Incorporate these view components in your App.jsx:

     import React from 'react';
     import CakeView from './features/cake/CakeView';
     import IceCreamView from './features/iceCream/IceCreamView';
     import UserView from './features/user/UserView';
     const App = () => {
       return (
           <CakeView />
           <IceCreamView />
           <UserView />
     export default App;

Running the Application

Run the application using:

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser, and you should see the UI components corresponding to each Redux Toolkit feature.


With this setup, our React project is now ready to be connected with Redux Toolkit. In the upcoming sections, we'll delve into connecting these UI components to the Redux store, demonstrating the seamless integration of Redux Toolkit in a React environment. Stay tuned for more practical insights on how Redux Toolkit enhances state management in React applications.

Read More

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 1

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 2

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 3

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 4

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 5

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 6

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 7

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 8

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 9

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 10

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 11

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 12

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 13

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 14