Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 9

Connecting React with Redux Store

In this part of our series, we focus on preparing our React application to access the Redux store using react-redux. This package provides essential components and functions for integrating Redux with React applications.

Step 1: Installing React Redux

  1. Install react-redux: To integrate Redux with our React app, we first need to install the react-redux package. Run the following command in your project's terminal:

     npm install react-redux
  2. Restart the Server: After the installation, restart your development server:

     npm run dev

Step 2: Making Redux Store Available in React

  1. Importing Provider Component: The react-redux library exports a component called Provider, which is used to make the Redux store available to the React component tree. In your main.jsx file (or index.js if using create-react-app), import the Provider:

     import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
  2. Wrapping App with Provider: Next, wrap your root App component with the Provider component. But before that, import your Redux store:

     import store from './app/store';

    Then, use the Provider to wrap your App:

     // main.jsx or index.js
     import React from 'react';
     import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
     import App from './App';
     import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
     import store from './app/store';
       <Provider store={store}>
         <App />

    The store prop in the Provider component passes the Redux store to the React application. This setup is usually done at the top of the component tree to make the store accessible throughout the application, leveraging React's context feature.


With these steps, we have successfully connected our React application with the Redux store. This connection is fundamental to accessing and manipulating the application's state managed by Redux. In the upcoming sections, we will delve into reading values from the store and dispatching actions, highlighting the practical aspects of using Redux Toolkit in a React environment. Stay tuned for more insights on how to effectively manage state in React applications with Redux Toolkit.

Read More

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 1

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 2

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 3

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 4

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 5

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 6

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 7

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 8

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 9

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 10

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 11

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 12

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 13

Comprehensive Guide to Redux Toolkit: For Beginners - Part 14